
Everything on this page is free to use for two reasons:

  1. Intellectual property is an unethical legal invention. Consider the following arguments:
  2. Most of this work is intended to be useful for Christian churches.

All unoriginal works are in the public domain and may copied or printed at will for any purpose. All original works are licensed under CC BY-SA (full license can be found here). Note that these licenses do allow for commercial use of all items found below; however, I do ask that I be made aware of any commerical use of my original works. If you appreciate the work I'm doing here, I'd also be grateful for donations. Information can be found on my contact page. Your support helps me continue to produce these materials.


Here is the weekly liturgy of the church I currently serve.



Book of Common Worship, 1906

Currently, I am in the process of retypesetting the 1906 Book of Common Worship of the PCUSA (see the original scan here). Eventually, I’ll publish the complete work in a nice hardcover along with a full PDF here, but for the time being, I'm putting up the individual chapters as I complete them. If you run across any errors, please send me an email so that I can correct them.